[Math] Polar coordinates unit vectors proof

multivariable-calculuspolar coordinates

Prove that the unit vectors in polar coordinates are related to those in rectangular coordinates by
What are $\hat{x}$ and $\hat{y}$ in terms of $\hat{r}$ and $\hat{\phi}$?

Best Answer

Another way to see the relation:

$\vec r=x\hat x+y\hat y$

$\hat r=\dfrac{\partial\vec r}{\partial r}/\left|\dfrac{\partial\vec r}{\partial r}\right|=\cos\phi\hat x+\sin\phi\hat y$$

$\hat\phi=\dfrac{\partial\vec r}{\partial\phi}/\left|\dfrac{\partial\vec r}{\partial\phi}\right|=(-r\sin\phi\hat x+r\cos\phi\hat y)/r=-\sin\phi\hat x+\cos\phi\hat y$