[Math] Poisson Integral Formula for complex in unit disc


Let $f(z)$ be continuous in the closed unit disc and analytic in the unit disk. Prove the poisson integral formula:
$$ f(a)=\frac{1}{2\pi} \int_0^{2\pi} f(e^{i\theta}) \frac{1-r^2}{1-2r \cos (t-\theta) +r^2} \, d\theta $$
$(a= re^{it}$, $0\leq r <1)$

I have done this problem by using the Cauchy Integral formula but my professor says that we can not use Cauchy because $f(z)$ is not analytic on the boundary of the unit disk.

Help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

Consider $f_\alpha (z):=f(\alpha z)$ where $0<\alpha<1$. Now $f_\alpha $ is analytic on the unit circle.Use the Cauchy integral formula to obtain the following: $$ I_\alpha:=\frac1{2\pi} \int_0^{2\pi} f_\alpha(e^{i\theta}) P(r,\theta-t) d\theta =f(\alpha a)$$ As $\alpha \to 1$ , $f(\alpha a) \to f(a)$ and $I_\alpha \to I$ ( by the boundedness of $P$ and uniform convergence of $f_\alpha $ to $f$ on the unit circle)

So we get the Poisson formula.