[Math] Pointwise Convergence. Uniform Convergence


would really appreciate help in understanding pointwise convergence and uniform convergence.

For example for the questions below, how does f_n converge pointwise to f(x)=0? To see whether a function converges pointwise or not, don't you just take the limits of the sequence of functions f_n. Because wouldn't lim(f_n(x))=infinity rather than than 0?

Could someone please also explain how one would check for uniform convergence. In this example, the function would be uniformly continuous since the function is defined over a compact set (closed and bounded interval) and is pointwise convergent. But is there another way to check for uniform convergence.

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

enter image description here

Best Answer

For pointwise convergence, you fix $x\in [0,1] $ and you compute $\lim_ {n\to+\infty}f(x) $. There will be pointwise convergence in the set containing $x $ for which the limit exists $(\in\mathbb R) $. in your example,

for $x=0$, the limit is zero. for $x=1$, it is zero. for $0 <x <1$, write $(1-x)^n=e^{n\ln (1-x)} $ and you will find zero since exponential is faster than polynomial.

thus all the limits are zero in $[0,1] $ . $(f_n) $ converges (pointwise) to function $0$ at $[0,1] $

For uniform convergence

find the maximum of $|f_n (x)-0|=f_n (x)$ at $[0,1] $.

$$f'_n (x)=n^2 (1-x)^{n-1}(1-x-nx) $$

it is attained at $$x_n=\frac {1}{n+1} $$ $$f (x_n)=n (\frac {n}{n+1})^{n+1}$$

$$\lim_{n\to+\infty}f_n (x_n)=+\infty$$

the convergence is not uniform at $[0,1] $.