[Math] Point-wise and Norm Convergence of Vectors in a finite dimensional space

linear algebranormed-spaces

I'm trying to prove the theorem, that states, that if I have a normed vector space with a finite dimension (so that each vector I can express as a linear combination $$ \vec{v}=a\vec{e}_1+b\vec{e}_2+c\vec{e}_3+\cdots+q\vec{e}_n $$ where the vectors $\{\vec{e_k}\}_{k=1}^{n} $ are linearly independent), and I have some norm defined there, and I have a sequence of vectors $$ \{\vec{v_k}\}_{k=1}^{\infty} $$ that converges in norm to some vector $\vec{V}$, then it also converges to it Point-wisely, that is, if
$$\vec{v}_k=a_k\vec{e}_1+b_k\vec{e}_2+c_k\vec{e}_3+\cdots+q_k\vec{e}_n, $$ and
$$\vec{V}=a\vec{e}_1+b\vec{e}_2+c\vec{e}_3+\cdots+q\vec{e}_n, $$ and
$$\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty} \lVert\vec{v}_k-\vec{V}\rVert=0,$$ then also
\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty} |a_k-a|&=0,\\
\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty} |b_k-b|&=0,\\
\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty} |q_k-q|&=0.


Best Answer

Apart from the given norm $\|\cdot\|$, we can define another norm by $$\|\sum_{j=1}^k \lambda_je_j\|_{\infty}=\max_{1\le j\le k} |\lambda_j|$$ where the $\lambda_j$ are scalars. (You should check that this is a well-defined norm.) Any two norms on a finite-dimensional vector space are equivalent, so in particular there is a constant $C>0$ so that $\|x\|_{\infty}\le C\|x\|$ for all vectors $x$. This inequality shows that if $\|v_k-V\|\to 0$, then we must have $\|v_k-V\|_{\infty}\to 0$ as $k\to\infty$, which implies that each component of $v_k-V$ converges to $0$, or that each component of $v_k$ converges to the corresponding component of $V$.

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