[Math] Plotting glucose production against time , x-axis & y-axis issue


Working on a pre-lab, some of the directions for drawing graphs is that the "x-axis" is for the non-variables, and the "y-axis" is for the variables (what you have measured).

Now, the first thing I have to do is to make a standard curve for "Glucose concentration" and "Absorbtion".

The next step is to measure the "Enzyme activity" and use the standard curve done to deternmine the amount of glucose since I will be having the "Absorbance" values in the "Enzyme activity" process.

Finally, we are asked to plot a graph that shows the glucose production against time.

Based on that, what (glucose production, time) goes where (x-axis, y-axis)?


Best Answer

time is x axis almost always, glucose production y axis

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