[Math] Playing card game probability problem!

card-gamesprobabilityprobability theory

So the problem is stated below:

A card game of 52 cards are dealt between 4 people (including me), each receiving 13 cards. 4 of the cards are Aces; one is called Ace of Spades and the other Ace of Clubs.
I wish to work out the probability that I receive neither the Ace of Spades nor the Ace of Clubs.


let S=receiving one Ace of Spades in hand,

let C= Ace of Clubs in hand
$P(C)= (1/51)/(1/12)=4/17$

$=> P(S)*P(C)=1/17$ which gives the probability of getting both an Ace of Spades and an Ace of Clubs.

If I let A=getting all 4 Aces in my hand

How do I carry on from there to find the probability that I receive neither the Aces of Spades and Clubs? And, what will be the probability that I receive at least one?

Thank you so much! 🙂

Best Answer

A simple picture will give a simple answer:

Visualize 52 ordered slots into which to put the 52 distinct cards; the first thirteen slots will hold your cards.

Put the Ace of Spades in a slot first, For you to not get it, it must land in one of $39$ slots that you don't own, out of the $52$ possible. Next, put out the Ace of Clubs. To miss it, you must put it in one of the $38$ remaining slots you don't own, out of the $51$ remaining slots. So the answer is: $$P_{neither}=\frac{39}{52}\times \frac{38}{51}$$

As to the probability of getting at least one: Either you get none, or you get some. The two probabilities will add to $1$.