[Math] Pigeonhole Principle(Strong Form) proof


Pigeonhole Principle(Strong Form) says:

Let $q_1$,$q_2$,…,$q_n$ are positive integers

If we put $q_1+q_2+…+q_n-n+1$ objects into n boxes

box1 contains q1 or more objects xor
box2 contains q2 or more objects xor

boxn contains qn or more objects

I am trying to do the proof by contradiction

Suppose $q_1+q_2+…+q_n-n+1$ objects are put into n boxes

box1 contains at most $q_1$-1 objects $\Leftarrow\Rightarrow$
box2 contains at most $q_2$-1 objects $\Leftarrow\Rightarrow$

boxn contains at most $q_n$-1 objects

$(q_1-1) + (q_2-1) + … + (q_n-1) = q_1 + q_2 + … + q_n – n$ !!!
This is a contradiction because by hypothesis we have $q_1+q_2+…+q_n-n+1$ objects

therefore Pigeonhole Principle(Strong Form) is valid

is proof correct?

Negation of xor is if and only if


Best Answer

The theorem is false. It becomes true if you change "XOR" to "OR" and your proof becomes correct if you replace $\Leftarrow\Rightarrow$ with $\wedge$.

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