[Math] Phase plane for a system of differential equations.

dynamical systemsordinary differential equations

I have a system of 5 ODEs. A phase plane was drawn for two of the variables, to see how they interact together. This is the phase plane that I got.

enter image description here

How can I interpret this phase plane? If I have a system of 2 ODEs then I can say that this equilibrium point is asymptomatically stable. But here as there are 5 ODEs and I am only considering two of the variables can I still say that this is asymptomatically stable .

What else can be said about this system by looking at the phase plane?
How to analyse systems with more than 2 ODEs?

In this can I say this spirals in, as I know it start with (1000,0) and when I use ode45 in Matlab and solve the system the equilibrium point found was in point A.

Code for direction fields

 %trajectory code
[tsol,usol]=ode15s(@rhs,[0 time],[1000,0,0, 10^8,0]);
hold on;
%direction fields

for i=1:Ngrid
    for j=1:Ngrid

When I try to draw the direction fields it changes my trajectory plot as well. I used the code as in Plotting phase plane in Matlab for SIR model . I think the problem is the two variables I draw the phase plane of reaches large values such as $10^6$ and $10^7$. How can I adjust the code to draw the direction fields correctly? In the above code, why is t=0 chosen specifically? Is it because we should know the initial conditions? In the line Yprime=rhs(t,[x(i),0,0,10^8,y(j)]);
I should give x,y coordnates to the variables I draw the phase plane and for the other variables the initial conditions right? rhs is the function with my 5 ODEs

The plot I get when I draw the direction fields is
enter image description here

Best Answer

Yes, but your graph did not designate any point as an "initial point". Nor did you say that "A" was an equilibrium point.

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