[Math] Petersen graph has no cycle of length $7$

graph theoryproof-explanation

Here is the solution which I am not getting, I am writing it in points along with the doubts I have (written in bold)-:

$1$ Suppose that the Petersen graph has a cycle C of length $7$.Since any two vertices of C are connected by a path of length at most $3$ on $C$ ,
any additional edge with endpoints on C would create a cycle of length at most $4$ Hence the third neighbor of each vertex on C is not on C.

$2$.Thus there are seven edges from $V \left(C\right) $ to the remaining three vertices.

$3$ By the pigeonhole principle, one of the remaining vertices receives at least three of these edges. This vertex x not on C has three neighbors on C.

$4$.For any three vertices on C, either two are adjacent or two have a common
neighbor on C (again the pigeonhole principle applies). Using x, this completes a cycle of length at most 4. We have shown that the assumption of a
$7$ cycle leads to a contradiction

In short I am not getting major of it ..
I know it is duplicate of here please help me out !

Best Answer

For point $1$, Imagine the (hypothetical) $7-$cycle $C$ as a heptagon. The proposed "additional edge" is a diagonal of this heptagon. The statement is equivalent to saying that any such diagonal cuts the heptagon in to two pieces, one of which is a triangle or quadrilateral. Because the Petersen graph has no cycles of length $\lt5$, it means that the vertices in such a $C$ cannot be connected to each other except by the edges that are part of $C$.

Point $2$ follows directly from this and the fact that every vertex of the Petersen graph has degree $3$: since they each vertex in $C$ has $2$ edges in $C$, they must each have one that is not, and by point $1$, this edge must connect to a vertex not in $C$.

Point $3$ says that there is no way to connect the other ends of the $7$ edges mentioned in point $2$ to the three vertices not in $C$. This is because, after you've connected $2$ to each of them, you still have one left, which will be the third edge connected to whatever vertex you connect it to.

Point $4$ has two parts. The first says that given $3$ vertices $C$ of $C$, at least $2$ of them are connected by a path of length $\le2$ in $C$. This is because if one of them is $3$ edges away from both of the others, then the others are neighbors because $C$ is a cycle of length $7$. The second half simply says that, since point $3$ tells us that there is a vertex (call it $a$) not in $C$ connected to $3$ vertices in $C$, and (by the first part of $4$) $2$ of these are connected by a path of length $2$ in $C$, the edges connecting $a$ to those $2$ vertices along with the path connecting them in $C$ is a cycle of length $4$. $\square$

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