[Math] Permutations/combinations, number of elements and ways

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

I'm studying the chapter of counting for my discrete math exam and I'm getting a bit confused with the terms permutations/combinations, elements and ways.

As far as I know:

  • Permutations/combinations are an arrangement of ordered/unordered distinct elements.
  • Elements are what permutations/combinations are made of.
  • When we refer to the number of permutations/combinations of an arrangement, we mean how many ways we can do a permutation/combination of that arrangement.

But then there are also the terms r-permutation and r-combination where $r$ are the elements of an arrangement. So, when we do a permutation $P(n,r)$, what is $n$ then? I thought $n$ was the number of elements of our set.

Here's one of the references I used:

enter image description here

I'm a little bit confused… Could someone clarify this for me?

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Here, as an example, $$P(5, 3) = \frac{5!}{2!}$$ means that out of 5 possible objects, how many ways there are to choose 3 objects where order matters. On the other hand, $$C(5, 3) = \frac{5!}{3!\cdot 2!}$$ means the same thing except order doesn't matter.

In this case, note that the textbook says "where order matters." Hence, $P(N, R)$ is number of ways to choose R objects where order matters and $C(N, R)$ is the number of ways to choose an object where order doesn't matter.

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