[Math] Permutations – arranging people in a circle

combinationscombinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

In how many ways can you arrange 20 boys and 10 girls in 2 circles in this way:

Inside the inner circle sits all the girls,
In the outer circle sits all the boys, while Josh sits closest to the door

I first thought of it of a regular combinatorics problem, and solved it like this:

The position of josh is irrelevant for the counting since he is static, so we'll count only 19 boys:

There are: $(19-1)!=18!$ ways to arrange 19 boys in a circle, and for every configuration, there are $(10-1)!=9!$ to arrange 10 girls in a circle, so in total it's:


But I find it hard to understand why I should take the (NumberOfBoys-1)! to calculate the number of combinations so I'm not quite sure I'm right.

Can someone please explain this concept and tell me whether I was right?


Best Answer

For circular permutation of $n$ objects, we use $(n-1)!$ since we arbitrarily fix one object and then arrange the other objects and the arrangement remains the same irrespective of whom we fix due to circular symmetry.

In your problem, Josh's position is already fixed. So we no longer need to fix any other boy and no. of permutation becomes $19!$. Since the 2 circles together form the arrangement, the girls can be arranged in $10!$ ways since the position of Josh here also serves as the fixed object.

The answer hence should be $19!\cdot 10!$.

Hope this helps.

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