[Math] Permutations and Combinations Tricky Question


In a photo there are three families (six Greens, four Browns, and seven Grays) arranged in a row. The Browns have had an argument so no Brown will stand next to another Brown. How many different permutations are permitted?

The correct answer is $150\cdot 10^{14}$.

Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance.

Best Answer

It is better to forget your method, and solve as under.

Permute the 13 "non-Browns" in 13! ways.

There will be 14 spaces in between (including ends), so place the Browns in these in $^{14}P_4$ ways

Multiplying I get ans = $\approx 1.5\times {10}^{14}$

I think there is a typo in the book answer !