[Math] Permutations and Combinations questions


Five separate awards are to be presented to select students from a class of 30. How many different outcomes are possible if:

  1. If a student can receive any number of awards

  2. If each student can receive at most one award

I tried like $30!/5!(30-5)!$ but seens not working

Best Answer

For the first problem (any number of awards), line up the $5$ trophies. There are $30$ choices for who receives the first trophy. For each such choice, there are $30$ choices for who receives the second. So there are $30^2$ ways to award the first two trophies. For each such way, there are $30$ ways to award the third trophy, and so on, for a total of $30^5$.

For the second problem, the reasoning is almost the same. There are $30$ ways to award the first trophy. For each such way there are $29$ ways to award the second trophy, and so on for a total of $(30)(29)(28)(27)(26)$.

There are other approaches to the second problem. For example, we can choose the $5$ people who will get trophies in $\binom{30}{5}$ ways. For each such choice, the decision as to who gets what can be done in $(5)(4)(3)(2)(1)=5!$ ways, for a total of $\binom{30}{5}5!$. This expression, when evaluated, yields $(30)(29)(28)(27)(26)$.

Remark: In order to get the right answer, it can be very useful to visualize the awards process in a very concrete way. So for the first problem, think of five medals, gold, silver, bronze, plastic, cardboard. The cardboard medal can be awarded in $30$ ways. For each such way, the plastic medal can be awarded in $30$ ways, and so on.

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