[Math] Permutations and arrangements of toy animals


The question is:

A baby has nine different toy animals. Five of them are red and four of them are blue. She arranges them in a line so that the colours are arranged symmetrically. How many different arrangements are possible?

I understand that they key here is that they must be arranged symmetrically. Given the unequal numbers of red to blue, isn't the only arrangement possible one being B B R R R R R B B?

So shouldn't it be $4! * 5!$ ?

However, the answer is $6 *5 !* 4! $

Which combinations did I miss, or is it a more straightforward way of doing this?

Best Answer

$5! = $ number of possible arrangements of red animals

$4! = $ number of possible arrangements of blue animals

Now for symmetry you need arrangement $x_1x_2x_3x_4Rx_4x_3x_2x_1$. The number of possible arrangements like this is equal to ${ 4 \choose 2 }= 6$ (among $x_1x_2x_3x_4$ we choose two x's to be blue). The answer is $6 \cdot 5! \cdot 4!$.

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