[Math] Permutation matrices that commute

linear algebramatricespermutation-matrices

Just simple question:

Can anyone provide a list of types of permutation matrices that commute (with the matrices of the same type)?

for one, I can think of rotation matrix… (Oh, wait. it isn't really permutation matrix..)

Best Answer

Conjugation of one permutation by another leaves the cycle structure unchanged, but permutes the letters in the cycles according to the second permutation. So a permutation $\sigma$ that commutes with $\pi$ must map each cycle of $\pi$ to a cycle of $\pi$ (with the same length, of course). For example, the permutations of $6$ letters that commute with $(123)(456)$ will either map $(123)$ and $(456)$ to themselves or interchange them. They are determined by what they do to $1$ and $4$. Thus there are $6 \times 3 = 18$ possibilities, including the identity (maps $1 \to 1$ and $4 \to 4$) and $(162435)$ (maps $1 \to 6$ and $4 \to 3$).

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