[Math] Permutation & Combination – How many 4 digit no’s are there whose decimal notation contains not more than two distinct digits


How many 4 digit no's are there whose decimal notation contains not more than two distinct digits?

Best Answer


  • How many $4$-digit numbers use only one digit?

  • How many pairs of digits are there?

  • If a $4$-digit number uses the digits $a$ and $b$, it must have one $a$ and three $b$’s, two of each, or three $a$’s and one $b$. How many $4$-digit numbers are there in each of those three categories?

Your answer will depend on whether leading zeros are allowed. If they are not allowed, so that you cannot count $0101$, for instance, then you’ll have to split the pairs into those that contain $0$ and those that don’t.