[Math] Permutation and combinations no of 6 digit numbers


Number of six digit numbers which have 3 digits even & 3 digits odd , if each digit is to be used atmost once is.

The answer I am getting is correct but I am not sure whether my solution is correct. Is my solution correct?

My solution:
Selecting 3 odd digits from 1,3,5,7,9 and 3 even digits from 0,2,4,6,8 then arranging them. Now removing those cases in which 0 is at 1st place by selecting 0 and 2 other even numbers and then selecting 3 odd numbers and finally arranging the five digits except 0 keeping 0 at first place.


Best Answer

I don't see how the last line evaluates to $64800$, it's $57600$. However, $64800$ is the correct answer. I've giving the calculations below.

First calculate all possible combinations of $3$ odd digits and $3$ even digits, without using a digit more than once. This includes the cases which start with $0$. $$\binom{6}{3}\times\bigg\{\binom{5}{3}\times3!\bigg\}\times\bigg\{\binom{5}{3}\times3!\bigg\}=72000$$ Now calculate the number of such numbers beginning with $0$. $$\binom{5}{3}\times\bigg\{\binom{5}{3}\times3!\bigg\}\times\bigg\{\binom{4}{2}\times2!\bigg\}=7200$$ Subtracting you get the total number of six-digited numbers with $3$ even and $3$ odd digits as $64800$.