[Math] Periodic solutions of $x’=x^2-1-\cos t$

dynamical systemsordinary differential equations

Consider $x'=x^2-1-\cos t$. What can be said about the existence of periodic solutions for this equation?

I'm not sure if periodic solutions exist, but if they do, they must have period equal to $ 2\pi$ and $x(0)=x(2k\pi)$ for $\forall k\in\mathbb Z$.

New Edit:

I guess that may use the following lemma:

Lemma: Consider the differential equation $x' = f (t , x)$ where $f(t, x)$ is continuously differentiable in $t$ and $x$. Suppose that
$f (t + T, x) = f (t , x)$
for all t . Suppose there are constants $p$, $q$ such that
$f (t , p) > 0, f (t , q) < 0$
for all $t$ then there is a periodic solution $x(t )$ for this equation with
$p < x(0) < q$.

Realy, I consider $p=2$ and $q=0$ but $f(t,q)=-1-\cos t\leq 0$ and this inequality is not strictly.

Best Answer


As explained in a now deleted answer, the equation can be linearized with




Thanks to linearity and homogeneity, the general solution will be of the form

$$y(t)=C_0f(t)+C_1g(t),$$ and


Then we can achieve $x(2\pi)=x(0)$ and form a periodic function by solving

$$\frac{f'(0)+Cg'(0)}{f(0)+Cg(0)}=\frac{f'(2\pi)+Cg'(2\pi)}{f(2\pi)+Cg(2\pi)},$$ a quadratic equation in $C$.


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