Periodic Functions – Determining the Period of Sum of Sinusoids

periodic functions

Say I have a sum of two sinusoids like so:

Acos(xt+\phi) + Bcos(yt+\delta)
How would I find the period? I know that for just one sinusoid the period would be:

T = 2\pi/x
It can't be as simple as just adding the two periods.

How can I tell if they're not periodic?

Best Answer

Beware that assuming there is a period to find is a big assumption. For example, suppose your two sinusoids are $\cos{2\pi t}$ and $\cos{\frac{2\pi t}{\sqrt{2}}}$. The periods of the two functions are $1$ and $\sqrt{2}$, respectively. If their sum was periodic, its period would be the least common multiple of $1$ and $\sqrt{2}$, which would allow us to write $\sqrt{2}$ as a ratio of integers (red flag!).

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