[Math] Perimeter or Calculus Word problem


A rectangular plot of farmland will be bounded on one side by a river
and on the other three sides by a single strand of electric fence.
With 1400m of wire at your disposal, what is the largest area you can
enclose, and what are its dimensions?

Is there a way to solve this without Calculus? This sounds like a simple perimeter problem. If you have to use Calculus to solve this, how would I start? Could someone show me the steps?

Best Answer

Let $r$ be the length of the rectangle along the river and $s$ be the length of the other side. Thus, we have to:

Max $rs$

Subject to:

$r + 2s = 1400$

Substitute for $r$ back into the objective function and we get the problem reformulated as:

Max $(1400-2s) s$

You can find the value of $s$ either via calculus or by completing the square.