[Math] Perfect square palindromic numbers


A palindromic number is one which when expressed in base $10$ with no leading zeros, reads the same left to right and right to left. For example, $44944$ is a (base 10) palindrome.

I can find quite a few palindromes which are also perfect squares; indeed there are an infinite set of them of the form $1,121,10201,1002001, \ldots$. In each of these cases, however, the square root of the palindrome is itself a palindrome.

I would like to know about palindromes which are the square of non-palindromes:

  • Are there any perfect square palindromes whose square roots are not palindromic?

  • Is there an infinite set of perfect square palindromes whose square roots are not palindromic?

  • Are the answers to these questions different in other bases?

Best Answer

This is not an answer!

The examples below a million are :

26 676
264 69696
307 94249
836 698896
2285 5221225
2636 6948496
22865 522808225
24846 617323716
30693 942060249
798644 637832238736
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