[Math] PDF and CDF of Sum of 2 dice


i'm trying to obtain the PDF and CDF of the sum of 2 dice toss.

There are tons of elementary exercise where is asked to find the exact probability,

but what about the PDF and CDF?

i thought this is a convolution of discrete uniform PDF. but i don't know where to start to find it.

it's like $P(X_1+X_2<y)=$ but from here i don't know how to continue… i can't substitute $1/n=X_1$ and $1/n=X_1$

this would make nosense.

Thank You

Best Answer

Clearly the "exact probability of the sum" is the PDF.

$\mathsf P(X_1{+}X_2{=}y)=\dfrac 1{36}\times\begin{cases}(y-1) &:& y\in\{2,3,4,5,6,7\}\\[1ex] (13-y) &:& y\in\{8,9,10,11,12\}\\0 &:& \textsf{else}\end{cases}$

And the accumulation of this is the CDF.

$\mathsf P(X_1{+}X_2{\leq}y)=\dfrac 1{72}\times\begin{cases}0&:& y\leq 1\\[1ex]\lfloor y\rfloor(\lfloor y\rfloor-1) &:& \lfloor y\rfloor\in\{2,3,4,5,6,7\}\\[1ex] 25\lfloor y\rfloor-\lfloor y\rfloor^2-84 &:& \lfloor y\rfloor\in\{8,9,10,11\}\\[1ex] 72 &:& y\geq 12 \end{cases}$

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