PCA – PCA and Image Compression

eigenvalues-eigenvectorsimage processingmatricesprincipal component analysissvd

I have two questions related to principal component analysis (PCA):

  1. How do you prove that the principal components matrix forms an orthonormal basis? Are the eigenvalues always orthogonal?

  2. On the meaning of PCA. For my assignment, I have to compute the first 5 principal components for twenty-four $60 \times 50$ images. I've done that. But then it asks me to show those $5$ principal components as images and comment on what I see. I can see stuff, but I don't understand what is important about what I am seeing. Assuming I am doing everything right, what I should I be seeing/commenting on?

First Five PCAs

Best Answer

When computing the PCA of some matrix, the eigenvectors are orthogonal because we symmetrize the matrix during the process. In general, eigenvectors of a matrix are not necessarily orthogonal; however, this is a property that holds for symmetric matrices.

The singular value decomposition of a matrix $A$ can be written as

$$A = U \Sigma V^T$$

where $U$ and $V$ are orthonormal. In practice, we don't often compute this because of numerical issues.

Instead, we might look at $$A^TA = V\Sigma^T U^T U \Sigma V^T = V\Sigma^2 V^T.$$

Equivalently, if we look at $A^TA$ as a symmetric, diagonalizable matrix, we can compute its eigendecomposition as $A^TA = W\Lambda W^T$ and we know that the eigenvectors found in the columns of $W$ are orthogonal due to symmetry.

The link between SVD and PCA is recognizing that these are the same things.