[Math] Path on the torus

differential-geometrydifferential-topologydynamical systemssmooth-manifolds

Prove that the following map is smooth and analyse its image as the real number $\alpha$ varies (how does it look like? Is it a submanifold?)

t&\mapsto (e^{2\pi it}, e^{2\pi \alpha it})

I've managed to prove that $f_{\alpha}$ is smooth and that $\text{Im}(f_{\alpha})$ is a closed curve on the torus $\Leftrightarrow \alpha\in\mathbb{Q}$. But I'm having trouble to formalize whether or not it is a submanifold of the torus. I actually don't know if it is true when the image is not a closed curve. How can I solve this?

Best Answer

Should it be $f_{\alpha}(t)=(e^{2\pi i t}, e^{2\pi \alpha i t})$ ?

If so, sure it is a manifold when $\alpha\in\mathbb Q$ (with the proper identification it is simply a curve on $\mathbb R^2$. In this case, it is a curve that spirals around the torus until it closes, much like in the figure:

enter image description here

When $\alpha\not\in\mathbb Q$ the curve is dense in the torus.

Since rational numbers and irrational numbers are dense, it is difficult to say much more about what happens when $\alpha$ varies.

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