[Math] Passing to quotients via quotient maps preserving topological properties


Trying to review topology for a prelim, I'm starting to wonder exactly what topological properties do quotient maps, usually given as $p: X \rightarrow Y$, preserve? I believe quotient maps preserve compactness and path connectedness, but I'm not sure how it can be proved. Also, is it true that quotient maps do not preserve simple connectedness and discreteness? If that is so, what would be some good counterexamples? I would appreciate any helpful input on this, thanks.

Best Answer

By definition quotient maps are continuous, so they preserve any topological property that is preserved by continuous maps, including compactness and connectedness. They are rather badly behaved in most other ways, however. For example, consider the map

$$p:[0,2]\to\{0,1,2\}:x\mapsto\begin{cases} 0,&\text{if }x=0\\ 1,&\text{if }0<x<2\\ 2,&\text{if }x=2\;, \end{cases}$$

where $Y=\{0,1,2\}$ is given the quotient topology: $U\subseteq Y$ is open iff $p^{-1}[U]$ is open in $[0,2]$. Clearly the open sets in $Y$ are $\varnothing,\{0,1\},\{1\},\{1,2\}$, and $Y$, so $Y$ has the particular point topology with $1$ as the distinguished point. $[0,2]$ is a compact metric space, so it’s hereditarily normal. $Y$, on the other hand, is $T_0$ but has none of the higher separation properties.

In fact a quotient map preserves the $T_1$ property iff its fibres are closed. (The fibres of a map are the inverses of singletons.) You’ll find a little more information on preservation and non-preservation of topological properties here.

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