[Math] Particle Motion

mathematical physicsordinary differential equationsphysics

So this is a simple problem but I'm just getting stumped. The question is:

A particle not connected to a spring, moving in a straight line, is subject to a retardation force of magnitude $\beta(\frac{dx}{dt})^n$, with $\beta > 0$.
a) Show that if 0 < n < 1, the particle will come to rest in a finite time. How far will the particle travel, and when will it stop?

So I think this would be the starting equation: $m\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}+\beta (\frac{dx}{dt})^n=0$ and the particle will stop when $\frac{dx}{dt}=0$ but that's all I got..I don't really know what to do from here. The question asks for n in a range so that's kind of throwing me off. Any ideas? Thanks

Best Answer

Hint: Split the problem in two:

  1. First solve the 1st order ODE $m\frac{dv}{dt}=-\beta v^n$ for the velocity $v(t)$ as a function of time $t$. (The exercise formulation doesn't say so, but there are physical reasons to believe that the velocity $v\geq 0$ should be assumed to be non-negative).

  2. Next integrate the velocity $v(t)$ wrt. $t$ to find the position $x(t)$ as a function of time $t$.