[Math] Parametrization of the intersection of a cone and plane.


EDITED with new progress updates.

As the title states, I'm trying to parametrize the intersection of a cone and a plane. The equations are:

$z^2 = 2x^2+2y^2$ and

$2x+y+3z=4\implies z=\frac{1}{3}(4-2x-y)$

If it were either a plane parallel to the x-y plane or a cylinder instead of a cone, I would simply project the intersection onto the x-y plane, parametrize the projection for x and y then insert those equations into the equation of the plane to get the parametrization of z. I'm thinking a similar approach would work here but I can't figure out how to find the equation of the projection.

I now have what I believe is the projected ellipse onto the x-y plane. The ellipse equation is:

$0 = \frac{1}{9}(4-2x-y)^2-2x^2-2y^2$

My problem is now that if I expand out the squared portion, I end up with $4xy$ in the equation. I have no idea how to parametrize an ellipse with a cross term in it. Could someone help with that?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Best Answer

Hint: eliminate one of the variables by solving the plane equation for it and substituting into the cone equation.

EDIT: For an ellipse equation with "cross terms", one thing you can do is "complete the square" in either the $x$ or $y$, so it becomes something like $a (x + b y)^2 + c y^2 = 1$ with $a, c > 0$. Then you can parametrize it as $$\eqalign{y &= \dfrac{\sin(t)}{\sqrt{c}}\cr x &= -b y + \dfrac{\cos(t)}{\sqrt{a}} = - \dfrac{b \sin(t)}{\sqrt{c}} + \dfrac{\cos(t)}{\sqrt{a}}\cr}$$

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