[Math] Parametric equation of an ellipse


How do I show that the parametric equations

$$x(t) = \sin(t+a)$$

$$y(t) = \sin(t+b)$$

define an ellipse?

I tried graphing it and I'm certain it is a rotated ellipse.
My first idea is to write it as

$$x(t) = \cos a \sin t + \sin a \cos t$$
$$y(t) = \cos b \sin t + \sin b \cos t$$

so the vector (x,y) is the vector (cos t, sin t) left multiplied by the matrix

$$\begin{pmatrix} \sin a & \cos a \\ \sin b & \cos b \end{pmatrix}$$

If I can show that this matrix is actually some enlargement followed by a rotation, I'm done, but I can't do this (I get contradictions).

Best Answer

The parametrization represents an ellipse centered at the origin, albeit tilted with respect to the axes. (You can demonstrate by plotting a few for yourself.) The general form of this ellipse is

$$A x^2 + B x y + C y^2 = 1$$

The idea is to find the coefficients; this is done by expanding the sines and forming $x^2$, $y^2$, and $x y$. I leave the algebra to the reader; I get

$$\left (\begin{array} \\ \cos^2{a} & \cos{a} \cos{b} & \cos^2{b} \\ \cos{2 a} & \cos{(a+b)} & \cos{2 b} \\\sin{2 a} & \sin{(a+b)} & \sin{2 b} \end{array}\right ) \cdot \left ( \begin{array}\\A\\B\\C \end{array} \right ) = \left ( \begin{array}\\1\\0\\0 \end{array} \right )$$

One nontrivial point I should mention is that you get coefficients of $\sin^2{t}$, $\cos^2{t}$, and $\sin{t} \cos{t}$. To get an expression that can be set to $1$ on the RHS, I took $\cos^2{t} = 1-\sin^2{t}$ and that did the trick. You then get an expression independent of $t$ set to $1$, a coefficient of $\sin^2{t}$ set to zero, and a coefficient of $\sin{t} \cos{t}$, set to zero.

Inverting this matrix and performing the multiplication by the RHS, then rearranging the resulting equation for the ellipse, I get

$$x^2+y^2-2 \cos{(a-b)} x y = \sin^2{(a-b)}$$

as the sought ellipse. Note that this is indeed an ellipse because $\cos^2{(a-b)} < 1$.

I also note that one finds parametrization like this in discussions of elliptical polarization of light. Note that when $a-b = \pi/2$, the expression reduces to a circle; this is what physicists call circular polarization.