[Math] parameterization of a part of a sphere


I have to parametrize $D=\{x^2+y^2+z^2\le 25,y\le -4\}$.

  • I can see the I have to parametrize 2 surfaces :
    • ($S_1$) the intersection between the plane $z=-4$ and the sphere: ($x^2+z^2\le 9$)
    • ($S_2$) The part of the sphere between $-5\le y \le -4$

$(S_1)$ should be :


$0\le u \le 3$

$0\le v \le 2\pi$

$(S_2)$, I need help with this, Can you help me find out $\phi,\theta$

$r(\phi,\theta)=(5\sin\phi \cos\theta,…,5\sin\phi \sin\theta)$(x,z might be wrong)


I know that the parametrization of a sphere of radius 5 is : $r(\phi,\theta)=(5\sin\phi \cos\theta,5\sin\phi \sin\theta,5\cos\phi)$

Best Answer

The way I see it is you need to parametrize the solid bounded by the sphere of radius $5$ and the plane $y=-4$. Here is how I would proceed :

Use spherical coordinates as follows : let $y=\rho \cos \phi$, $z=\rho \sin \phi \cos \theta$ and $x=\rho \sin \phi \sin \theta$, such that the sphere has equation $$ \rho =5, $$ and the plane $y=-4$ has equation $$ \rho \cos \phi=-4 $$

Now things become easy. The projection of the solid in the $yz$ plane is the domain $$ D= \{(\rho,\phi)\;|\; \frac{4}{ \cos \phi} \le \rho \le 5 , \cos^{-1}\left(\frac{-4}{5}\right)\le \phi \le \pi\} $$ And it follows that $$ E = \{(\rho,\phi,\theta )\;|\;(\rho,\phi) \in D, 0 \le \theta \le 2\pi \} $$