[Math] Parallel Translation is Path Independent iff Manifold is Flat


Problem. Let $M$ be a smooth Riemannian manifold and $\nabla$ be the Levi-Civita connection. Then the following are equivalent

  1. $R(X,Y)Z=\nabla_X\nabla_YZ-\nabla_Y\nabla_XZ-\nabla_{[X,Y]}Z\equiv 0$
  2. For all $p,q\in M$, parallel translation along a curve segment from $p$ to $q$ is independent of the curve.

My attempt. I've tried for several hours now, but I'm out of ideas. Initially, I tried analyzing the differential equations which characterize a vector field along a curve being parallel, but I couldn't get anything out of it.

For the implication (2)$\implies$(1), it would be enough to show $R(\partial_i,\partial_j)\partial_k\equiv0$. Considering curves through some $p\in M$ which have the form $t\mapsto te_i$ in some chart around $p$ seemed promising but didn't get me far.

In particular I'm also not sure how the fact that $\nabla$ is the Levi-Civita conncetion comes into play. I know that compatibility of $\nabla$ with the metric is equivalent to the parallel translation being an isometry. Can we use that?

I would really appreciate some help.

Best Answer

For the path independence part:

Recall that $\nabla$ is flat iff $R^{a}_{bcd}=0$ everywhere on $M$. If the parallel transport of vectors along a path on $M$ relative to $\nabla$ is indeed path independent then $\nabla$ is flat.

Conversely, if $\nabla$ is flat then, at least locally, parallel transport of vectors on $M$ relative to $\nabla$ is path independent.

To prove this, firstly assume that parallel transport of vectors on $M$ is path independent. Let $p$ be any point in $M$ and let $\boldsymbol{\zeta^{a}}$ be any vector at $p$. Extend $\boldsymbol{\zeta^{a}}$ to a smooth vector field $\boldsymbol{\pi^{a}}$ by parallel transporting $\boldsymbol{\zeta^{a}}$ to through any curve to all points of $M$. The resulting field is constant in the sense that $\nabla_{a}\pi^{b}=0$ everywhere; this is equivalent to saying that all directional derivatives vanish everywhere.

Hence, \begin{align} R^{a}_{bcd}\pi^{b}&= -2 \nabla_{[c} \nabla_{d]}\pi^{b} \\ &=0 \end{align} everywhere, and in particular, at $p$. Since the choice of $\zeta$ was arbitrary, $R^{a}_{bcd}=0$.

Now for the converse argument. Assume that $R^{a}_{bcd}=0$ on $M$. In order we show that, at least locally, parallel transport is path-independent it will be sufficient to show that at any given $\zeta^{a}$ at arbitrary $p$, we can extend $\zeta^{a}$ to any smooth $\boldsymbol{\pi^{a}}$ on some open set $O$ containing $p$ that is constant. That is to say, $$\nabla_{a}\pi^{b}=0$$ everywhere on $O$.

this last part is tricky insofar as one needs to find local coordinates that satisfies a set of PDEs such that

\begin{align} \nabla_{a}\pi^{b}&=0\\ \pi^{a}_{|p}&=\zeta^{a} \end{align} the set of PDEs that fall out of computation will be satisfied iff (as it turns out through copious lines of algebra) $R^{a}_{bcd}=0$ expressed in local coordinates.

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