[Math] P is a natural number. 2P has 28 divisors and 3P has 30 divisors. How many divisors of 6P will be there


While answering Aptitude questions in a book I faced this question but not able to find the solution So I searched Google and got two answers but didn't get an idea how the answer came.


P is a natural number. 2P has 28 divisors and 3P has 30 divisors. How many divisors of 6P will be there?

Solution 1:

2P is having 28(4*7) divisors but 3P is not having a total divisors which is divisible by 7, so the first part of the number P will be 2^5.

Similarly, 3P is having 30 (3*10) divisors but 2P does not have a total divisors which is divisible by 3. So 2nd part of the number P will be 3^3. So, P = 2^5*3^3 and the solution is 35.

Solution 2:

2P has 28 divisors =4×7,

3P has 30 divisors

Hence P=2^5 3^3

6p =2^6 3^4

Hence 35 divisors

I have been trying to understand the steps but not able to get.

Best Answer


Let the prime factorization of $P=2^{a} \cdot 3^{b} \cdot 5^{c} \cdot 7^{d} \ldots$. Then the number of divisors of $P$ is given by $$(a+1)(b+1)(c+1)\ldots.$$

If $2P$ has $28$ Divisors then $$(a+2)(b+1)(c+1)\ldots=28.$$

Likewise If $3P$ has $30$ Divisors then $$(a+1)(b+2)(c+1)\ldots=30.$$

I hope now you can understand the solutions you found. If not let me know I will elaborate.

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