[Math] p implies q statement means that if p is true, q also has to be true


I don't understand this statement. Looking at the truth table,

if p is false, the statement is always true.

if p is true and q is true, the statement is true.

if p is true and q is false, the statement is false.

So why does p implies q mean that if p is true, q has to be true? What about these other cases?

Best Answer

Perhaps this will help. This can be seen as a way of explaining modus ponens with which you may be more familiar:

If we know $p$ implies $q$ (is true), and $p$ happens to be true, then $q$ must be true:

$$p \rightarrow q$$ $$p$$ $$\therefore q$$

$p \rightarrow q,$ by itself, tells us nothing about the truth value of $q$. IF $p\rightarrow q$ is true we know that either $p$ is false, or $q$ is true, or both, which is nicely expressed as follows: $$(p \rightarrow q) \iff (\lnot p \lor q)$$