[Math] p-adic expansion of a rational number

number theoryp-adic-number-theorysequences-and-series

Studying $p$-adic numbers I encountered the following theorem:

Given a eventually periodic sequence $(a_n)_{n=k}^{\infty}$ such that $0 \le a_n <p$, the sum
converges p-adically to a rational number.

The proof of this fact consists mainly in rearranging the sum. Here is my problem… In all the books I have seen this is not justified. Only some authors prove a theorem about rearrangement, but in other parts of their books and seems we don't need it here.

Why I can rearrange the terms of this sum? Why I don't need any theorem?

Thank you all!

Best Answer

As @ThomasAndrews says, you don’t need to rearrange anything. First, knock off the nonperiodic part at the beginning. That will be a rational number. Now take the periodic part, say of period $N$. Then the part you didn’t knock off has the form $A + Ap^N + Ap^{2N} +Ap^{3N}+\cdots$, a geometric series with common ratio $p^N$. Since this ratio is $p$-adically smaller than $1$, the series is convergent, and the periodic part has rational value $A/(1-p^N)$, done.

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