P-adic Expansion Construction

number theoryp-adic-number-theory

Can anyone teach me about p-adic expansion? especially the case where we have to expand a square root.

I need to know how to construct them. for example: the 7-adic expansion of $\sqrt{305}$.

This is a general question and not an assignment or anything, so i cannot post the progress.

That is just a random example, please use any other example to explain if it's easier to understand.

edit: I'm stuck with the cases where i have to expand the square roots, expanding rational numbers is fine though

Best Answer

The $p$-adic number will be ....dcba
Start with units, $a^2=305=4 \bmod 7$, so $a=2$.
Next, the sevens $(7b+2)^2=305=11\bmod 49$, so $28b=7\bmod 49$, and $b=2$.
Next, the 49s: $(49c+7*2+2)^2=305\bmod 343$, and so on.
Although it wasn't guaranteed that $a$ would exist, because $305$ might not have been a quadratic residue $\bmod 7$, all the other digits must exist.

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