[Math] Orthogonal planes in n-dimensions

geometrylinear algebra

In 3D two planes are orthogonal when their normal vectors are orthogonal (their inner product is zero). For example, planes $xy$ and $xz$ are orthogonal because their normal vectors $\hat{z}$ and $\hat{y}$ respectively are orthogonal, i.e $\hat{z}\cdot \hat{y}=0$.

How we define orthogonality of planes in $n$ dimensions? I am talking about 2d planes through the origin, in n-dimensional Euclidean space, that are specified by orthonormal vectors $\hat{x}_1, \hat{x}_2,.., \hat{x}_n$.

In 4D we have four orthogonal axes x,y,z,w defined by normal vectors $\hat{x}, \hat{y}, \hat{z}, \hat{w}$. However these axes make six planes: $xy, xz, xw, yz, yw, zw$. Are these planes orthogonal to each other? For example, the normal vectors $\hat{z}$ and $\hat{w}$ are perpendicular to the plane $xy$, but they are orthogonal, i.e $\hat{z}\cdot \hat{w}=0$, not parallel. How it is possible that they are not parallel when they are perpendicular to the same plane and how we check if the plane $xy$ is orthogonal to the plane $wz$?

Best Answer

It depends on what you want "orthogonal" to mean, of course. Typically, this means as subspaces, which does not accord with your meaning in 3-d. There are no other definitions in widespread use. There are a few different ways we can characterize your 3-d meaning:

  1. The normal unit vectors are perpendicular.
  2. In the plane perpendicular to the line of intersection, each plane's intersection is perpendicular to the other.
  3. Normal unit vectors of one are contained in the other.

As mentioned, in higher dimensions, there are multiple normal unit vectors, even beyond the sign ambiguity in 3-d. Similarly, in higher dimensions, planes can intersect in just a point, rather than a line.

Definition 3 seems promising though. Given the existence of multiple normal vectors We can generalize it in at least two ways: (a) all normal vectors must be contained in the other, or (b) at least one normal vector must be contained in the other. I assume that we want the planes that were considered orthogonal in 3-d to also be considered orthogonal in 4-d. That rules out "all normal vectors", but still allows "at least one normal vector".

Is this a useful or interesting definition? I don't know, but it seems consistent. All principle planes are perpendicular to all others, which seems right.

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