[Math] Orthogonal lightlike (null) vectors are colinear

linear algebrasemi-riemannian-geometry

I want to prove the statement that in a Lorentzian vector space, i.e., vector space with a scalar product whose index is 1, if lightlike vectors are orthogonal, then they are colinear. Equivalently, if lightlike vectors are linearly independent, then their scalar product is non-zero.

Can you give me an idea? Thanks.

Best Answer

Take a unit timelike vector $v$ and write $V = v^\perp \oplus \Bbb R v$. Assume that $x= x_0+av$ and $y=y_0+bv$ are lightlike and orthogonal (written according to this decomposition). Since $v$ is timelike, $v^\perp$ is a spacelike hyperplane, and so $x_0$ and $y_0$ are spacelike too. We have three relations: $$\langle x_0,x_0\rangle = a^2,\quad\langle y_0,y_0\rangle = b^2\quad\mbox{and}\quad \langle x_0,y_0\rangle = ab. $$ Then $$\langle bx_0-ay_0,bx_0-ay_0\rangle = b^2a^2 -2baab +a^2b^2=0. $$ But $bx_0-ay_0$ is spacelike, and the above then implies that $bx_0-ay_0=0$. Also note that $a\neq 0$ and $b\neq 0$, since $x$ and $y$ are lightlike. With this $$by-ax= by_0 +bav- ax_0 -abv=0, $$and so $\{x,y\}$ is linearly dependent.