[Math] Orientability of submanifolds


What are some general conditions under which submanifolds of orientable manifolds will also be orientable. Of course this isn't true in general (for example, the Möbius band is a non-orientable submanifold of $\mathbb{R}^3$), but when is it true?

For example, what if you only consider closed (meaning compact and boundaryless, not topologically closed) submanifolds of closed, orientable manifolds?

EDIT: The conditions I listed above definitely aren't good enough. Consider $\mathbb{RP}^2\subset\mathbb{RP}^3$, I think .

Best Answer

A sufficient condition for $N\subset M$ to be orientable is the following:(Assume $M$ is orientable, $\dim M=m$, $\dim N=n)$:

$N$ is orientable if there are $m-n$ independent vector fields $V_{n+1} \ldots V_{m}$ along $N$ (tangent to $M$ but not tangent to $N$) such that for each $x\in N$, $T_{x} N \oplus \text{span} \{ V_{n+1}(x), \ldots V_{m}(x)\}= T_{x} M$.

The reason: Assume $\Omega$ is a volume form for $M$(orientability is equivalent to existence of volume form). Then $I_{V_{n+1}} \circ I_{V_{n+2}},\circ \ldots \circ I_{V_{m}}(\Omega)$ is a volume form for $N.$

Example:$S^{n} \subset \mathbb{R}^{n+1}$. The vector field $V_{n+1}=\frac{\partial}{\partial r}$ is the radial vector field, orthogonal to the sphere. Then $i_{\frac{\partial}{\partial r}} dx_{1}\wedge dx_{2}\wedge \ldots dx_{n}$ is the natural intrinsic volum form of the sphere.