[Math] Ordinary Differential Equations with Arbitrary Constants

ordinary differential equations

Find a differential equation that $y$ satisfies. The ODE should not contain any arbitrary constants.
I proceeded with finding the two derivatives (since it is second-order):

Then, using the general formula $y''+Ay'+By = 2C_1+A2C_1x+AC_2+BC_1x^2-BC_1+BC_2x$
Which results in $C_1(2+2Ax+Bx^2-B)+C_2(A+Bx)$

Solving the systems of equations, I found that $A=-2x$, $B=2$. Which means the ODE required is $$y''-2xy'+2y=0$$

Can anyone kindly advise if this approach is correct? Thanks.

Edit: Sorry, I found a computational error afterwards. Hence,

And it would then arrive at the recommended solution below.

Best Answer

No. I think what is required is to find the expressions for the integrals of motion $C_1$, $C_2$ in terms of $y$, $y'$ and then substitute them into the expression for $y''$. This gives the equation $$ y''=2\frac{xy'-y}{x^2+1}.\tag{1}$$ This is the ''minimal'' equation satisfied by $y(x)$. Of course there are more equations that will be consequences of this one. For example, differentiating it w.r.t. $x$ and substituting $y''(x)$ on the right by (1), you will get the equation $y'''=0$, which was proposed in the comment of @copper.hat.

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