[Math] Orders of a symmetric group


Consider the symmetric group $S_5$. I would like to find how many elements of $S_5$ are of order 5, and how many are of order 6. I would also like to determine what the maximum order of an element in this group would be.

Here is what I have so far: elements of order 5 are the 5-cycles. Elements of order 6 (since a 6-cycle is impossible for 5 elements) must have at least an even cycle and a cycle of length divisible by 3, and 2 + 3 = 5, so elements of order 5 are a combination of 2-cycles and 3-cycles.

How can I find the total count of such elements of order 5 and order 6, and the maximum order? I'm not entirely sure where to go from here.

Best Answer

The possible elements of $S_5$ are given by the various partitions of $5$. For example, $(i_1i_2)(i_3i_4i_5)$ is an element of $S_5$ corresponding to the partition $5=2+3$.

To count the number of such elements, we have $5$ choices for $i_1$ after which we have $4$ choices for $i_2$. We must then divide by $2$ because $(i_1i_2) = (i_2i_1)$. Hence we have $(5)(4)/2 = 10$ possibilities for $(i_1i_2)$. Once we have chosen $i_1$ and $i_2$, we then have $3$ choices for $i_3$, 2 choices for $i_4$ and one remaining choice for $i_5$ giving $6$ possibilities for $(i_3i_4i_5)$. However we observe that, for example, $(345) = (534) = (453)$ (i.e. each three cycle yields two other equivalent 3-cycles). Thus we have $6/3 = 2$ possibilities for $(i_3i_4i_5)$.

This gives $$\frac{(5)(4)}{2}\cdot 2 = 20$$ possibilities for elements of the form $(i_1i_2)(i_3i_4i_5)$.

Can you generalize this for other elements of the group?