[Math] Order of the Rubik’s cube group


Associated to the Rubik's cube is a group as described in this Wikipedia article: $G = \langle F, B, U, L, D, R\rangle$. For example, the element $F$ corresponds to rotating the front face clockwise by $90$ degrees.

According to the article the order of the group is: $2^{27} 3^{14} 5^3 7^2 11$.

I have come across several places (for example here) where this order has been found by just counting various ways to arrange edges and such. Is there a nice way to compute the order by appealing to more "group theoretic" tools?

Best Answer

Most explanations of the order of the cube group don't use a group-theoretic wording because it is felt to be easier to understand it in more concrete terms, given that the cube is a physical object.

But if you want to, we can certainly phrase the same calculation in more abstract group-theoretic language.

In that case, we could start by defining $G$ to be a certain subgroup of the group $S_{54}$ of permutations of all the color stickers, given by its six generators.

$G$ acts on the 20 movable cubies, so there's a homomorphism $G\to S_{20}$. Its kernel is a group of $H$ operations that twist and flip cubies in-place, and the quotient is the group of legal cubie permutations. To count the order $G$ itself we multiply the order of the kernel with the order of the quotient.

The quotient, as a subgroup of $S_{20}$ turns out to be $A_{20}\cap(S_{12}\times S_{8})$, which we can prove by noting that each of the 6 generators is in this subgroup, and finding a set of generators for $A_{20}\cap(S_{12}\times S_{8})$ that can be realized as concrete cube operations.

The kernel $H$ (the group of twists-and-flips that don't permute the cubies) is a subgroup of $G$, but is is clearly abelian and isomorphic to a subgroup of $(C_2)^{12}\oplus(C_3)^8$, and I will view it as such henceforth. $H$ contains each of its projections to $(C_2)^{12}$ and $(C_3)^{8}$ -- namely, they are $\{x^3\mid x\in H\}$ and $\{x^4\mid x\in H\}$, respectively (this can be generalized to any subgroup of a direct sum of abelian groups of coprime orders) -- and is therefore their direct sum, and its order is the product of the orders of the components.

Consider the intersection with the corner-twist group $(C_3)^8$. We can count it by viewing it as a subspace of $(\mathbb F_3)^8$ and applying linear algebra (and it is a subspace: multiplying by an scalar from $\mathbb F_3$ just corresponds to iterating the operation). It is easy to show that it has dimension $\ge 7$, by showing 7 linearly independent elements, say, combinations that turn the FRU corner together with each of the 7 other ones. So if only we can show that it has dimension $<8$, it will follow that it and has $3^7$ elements.

To show this, assign a canonical orientation of each cubie in each location as described in this answer. Each configuration of the full cube now describes an element of $(\mathbb F_3)^8$, with components given by how the cubie that happens to be found in a given position is twisted from its canonical orientation. The entire $G$ then acts on $(\mathbb F_3)^8$, and each action preserves the hyperplane $x_1+x_2+\cdots+x_8=0$ (which can be checked for each of the six generators). The corner-twist subspace is contained in the orbit of $(0,0,\ldots,0)$, which is contained in the hyperplane, and therefore cannot be all of $(\mathbb F_3)^8$.

The handling of the edge-flip group is the same, mutatis mutandis.

Is all of this more enlightening than the usual more concrete way of counting? I doubt it.