[Math] Order Of Operation- Does the order matter..


The BODMAS rule states that while solving any given mathematical expression we first solve it in this manner-

(i) Brackets

(ii) Orders or powers

(iii) Division

(iv) Multiplication

(v) Addition

and at last we solve (vi) subtraction

I get that division and multiplication should be carried before addition and subtraction but I don't think the manner in which addition and subtraction are carried out matter..

For example consider this expression- $$1 + 2 – 3$$
Now, it doesn't matter if we add 1 and 2 first and then subtract 3 from it, or subtract 3 from 2 first and then add 1. It WILL give 0 either way.

So does the order of addition and subtraction really matter?

Similarly does the order of multiplication and division matter. Shouldn't the rule be like-

First multiply/divide(doesn't matter which one you do first as division is multiplication in a way) and then do addition/subtraction(doesn't matter which one you do first as subtraction is another form of addition, where you add a negative number)

Am I right?

Also SIDE QUESTION- Does BODMAS also apply on eqations or is it just used to solve expressions to derive an equation?

Best Answer

BOMDAS is just an acronym - Subtracting a number is the same as adding a negative number, while division is just multiplying by a number's multiplicative inverse. So it doesn't matter what order you do addition/subtraction on.

I don't understand your side question - but I think that you mean if BOMDAS should apply to both $3+7-6/2$ and $3\times(1+2)+2^2+2x = x$, which it does. The first expression simplifies to $7$, while the equation simplifies to $3(3)+2^2+2x = x\implies 3(3)+4+2x=x\implies 9 + 4+2x=x\implies13+2x=x\implies x=-13$