[Math] Order of a point on an Elliptic Curve


I am currently struggling with the determination the order of a point on an elliptic curve.
We had to do the following exercise:

$C = V(y^2+x^3-1)$ and $P = (0,1)$. Now Wikipedia told me that I can calculate the sum of two point with the following formulas:

Let $P=(x_P,y_P), Q=(x_Q,y_Q)$. Then $S=P+Q=(X_S,y_S)$
with $x_S=m^2-x_P-x_Q$ and $y_S=-y_P+s(x_P-x_S)$, where $m = \frac{y_P-y_Q}{x_P-x_Q}$.
So then I get $P+P = (0,-1)= -P$ so that $P+P+P=\infty$.

Now my question is, how this formula works. Because it does not depend anyhow on the formula of the elliptic curve right? So for any elliptic curve my point $P=(0,1)$ has the order $3$? This seems very weird to me.

(I also don't see where the formula for the addition of two points comes from.)

I would be very happy if someone could explain me how this works, and if you know good literature about elliptic curves.

Best, Luca

Best Answer

Instead of following blindly Wikipedia's formulas, it is best to understand how to calculate $P+Q$, or $P+P$, given an elliptic curve. Let us assume for simplicity that the curve is given by $E:y^2=x^3+Ax+B$, and $P,Q\in E$.

  • In order to find $P+Q$, first find the equation of the line $L$ through $P$ and $Q$, find the third point $R$ of intersection of $L$ and $E$. Then $P+Q+R=\mathcal{O}$, so that $R=-(P+Q)$. In this case $-(x_0,y_0)=(x_0,-y_0)$, so we can find $P+Q$ as $-R$.

  • In order to find $P+P$, first find the tangent line $L$ to $E$ at $P$, and find the third point $R$ of intersection of $L$ and $E$. Then, $2P+R=\mathcal{O}$, and so $2P=-R$.

In your case, $E: y^2=x^3+1$ and $P=(0,1)$. The tangent line is $y=1$, and it turns out that this line has a triple point of intersection with $E$, thus $R=P$. In particular, $2P=-R=-P$, and so $3P=\mathcal{O}$.

Another example with the same curve $E$: let $P=(2,3)$ and $Q=(0,1)$. The line through $P$ and $Q$ is $y=x+1$, and the third point of intersection is $R=(-1,0)$. Since $R=-R$, we obtain $P+Q=(-1,0)$.

Finally, here is a picture of $P=(2,3)$, $2P$, $3P$, $4P$, and $5P$, which shows that $6P=\mathcal{O}$.

enter image description here

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