[Math] Optimizing with Absolute Value Objective Function

linear programmingoptimization

max : $w = |q^T y|$
subject to
$A y \leq b$
$y \geq 0$

Please describe how one could solve the non-linear programming prob. above by using linear programming methods.

I tried changing $y$ to $y' – y''$ in the constraints and $y' + y''$ for the objective function. However, my Excel solver says that "the cells do not converge". How should I solve this?

Thanks a bunch!

Best Answer

To follow the advise given to you, consider two problems: $$ \begin{cases} w^+ &= q^Ty^+\to\max, \\ Qy^+&\leq0, \\ Ay^+&\leq b, \\ y^+&\geq 0. \end{cases} $$ and

$$ \begin{cases} w^- &= q^Ty^-\to\max, \\ Qy^-&\geq0, \\ Ay^-&\leq b, \\ y^-&\geq 0. \end{cases} $$

Then $w = \max\{w^+,w^-\}$. Here matrix $Q = (q\quad0\quad\dots\quad0)^T$. With such decomposition you just consider two possible cases for the absolute value.