[Math] Optimization Problem with Fence



A 5,000 m² rectangular area of a field is to be enclosed by a fence, with a movable inner fence built across the narrow part of the field.The perimeter fence costs $10/m and the inner fence costs $4/m. Determine the dimensions of the field to minimize the cost to construct the fencing.

Is t his How I solve?:
Costs are x=10*2i y=10*2i + 4i
           =20i    =24i 

Am I on the right track?

Best Answer

Area $\mathcal A=5000=lw$

Since you assumed here that $w>l$ the price is $P=10\times(2l+2w)+4\times(l)$

When you substitute $w$ you get $P=24l+20w=24l+20\times\frac {5000}l$

You want to minimize the price, so let's calculate $\displaystyle P'(l)=24-\frac{100000}{l^2}$

$P'(l)=0\iff l^2=\frac{100000}{24}$ gives you $\quad l\simeq64.55\; m\quad w\simeq77.46\; m$