[Math] Optimization problem – Trapezoid under a parabola


recently I've been working on a problem from a textbook about Optimization. The result that I get is $k = 8$, even thought the answer from the textbook is $k = \frac{32}{3}$

The problem follows:

The x axis interepts the parabola $12-3x^2$ at the points $A$ and $B$, and also the line $y = k$ (for $0 < k < 12$) at the points C and D. Determine $k$ in a way that the trapezoid $ABCD$ has a maximum area.

My solution was this

The trapezoid area is

$$A_{T} = \frac{(B+b) \cdot h}{2} = \frac{4+2 \cdot \sqrt{\frac{12-k}{3}} \cdot k}{2}$$

$$A_{T}' = 0 \therefore \frac{\sqrt{12-k}}{\sqrt{3}} – \frac{k}{\sqrt{3} \cdot 2 \cdot \sqrt{12-k}} = 0$$

$$2(12-k)-k=0 \therefore k = 8$$

Where did I go wrong on?

Thank you guys!

Best Answer

i think it must be $A_T=\left(2+\sqrt{\frac{12-k}{3}}\right)k$