[Math] Optimization problem, finding the dimensions of the container of least cost.


A closed rectangular container with a square base is to have a volume of $2000$ cubic centimeters. It costs twice as much per square centimeter for the top and bottom as it does for the sides. Find the dimensions of the container of least cost.

So the formula for the volume is: $2000 = x^{2}\cdot y$
and formula for cost (area) is $4xy+4x^{2}$.
After some substitutions and taking the derivative of the cost formula, I found that there is one critical number for $x = 10$, and substituting back to volume formula, I found that $y = 20$.

But now, i need to show that $10$ is the absolute minimum, I'm confused about how do I need to show that? Just plug in back to the original cost formula? It will just give me another number, which does not help at all.

Best Answer

At any local minimum not on a boundary, the derivative is $0$. There is no boundary in this problem, so finding where the derivative is $0$ gives you all the local minima.

The absolute minimum is also a local minimum. So to find it, you find all the local extrema, evaluate the function at each of them, and choose the smallest value. That have has to be the absolute minimum. In this problem, the derivative is $0$ at only one location: $x = 10$. So assuming this point is a local minimum, it must be the absolute minimum.

So the only thing more that you need to do is confirm that $x = 10$ is indeed a minimum (it could also be a maximum, or an inflection point). The easiest way to do that is to take the second derivative: $$C''(x) = \frac{16000}{x^3} + 8$$ In particular $C''(10) = 24 > 0$. Since it is positive, $x = 10$ is a minimum, and because it is the only minimum, it is the absolute minimum.

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