[Math] Optimal Strategy for Bar Dice

dicegame theoryrecreational-mathematics

This game is played in bars in Wisconsin, USA, but I'm sure variations are played many places around the world. The game has practical value, since once mathematicians figure out the best strategy, we can probably get free drinks for life!

The setup

You are playing a game against the bartender and your $N$ friends for a prize (usually shots of some sort of alcohol). Whoever loses must buy for the whole group, including the bartender. If the bartender is the loser, the house buys.

The rules

(Example can also be found at http://www.thedrinkingsurvey.com/bar-dice-drinking-game.php)

Players sit in a circle. Each round, everyone gets a turn. The first person who shakes is ‘setting the score’. All remaining players try to set a new ‘high score’. The person with the high score wins the round and sits out of all remaining rounds.

The first person to shake for the round shakes 5 dice, and has up to three rolls to set a high score. Each player thereafter must try to set a higher score in the same number of rolls or less.

$\cdot$ 1 ’s are wild, and in order for your hand to count at all, it must contain a 1.

$\cdot$ All scoring is pair based: 5 of a kind beats 4 of a kind; 4 of a kind beats 3 of a kind; and 3 of a kind beats 2 of a kind.

$\cdot$ Scoring is also value based; three 5s beats three 4s, and so on.

$\cdot$ Scoring is also turn based; three 5s in two rolls beats three 5s in three rolls.

$\cdot$ After each roll, you are allowed to keep aside dice that you do not wish to re-shake for the remaining rolls.

Once there are two players left, they play a “best of three” match. The first person to lose 2 games is the loser and must pay for everyone.

Finally, whoever had the worst score in the previous round rolls first in the next round.

What is the best strategy to play this game?

Best Answer

Not really an answer, more of a sketch.

  1. This game is a finite game of complete information with random moves by nature so in "theory" we can solve it by backwards induction (Zermelo's algorithm). In practice we may lack computational power to find the backward induction solution (notice the game of Chess also can be "solved in theory" as one can prove there exists an optimal strategy but computing it is another story).
  2. The last person in the last round that plays is not playing a game in the technical sense (he or she does not need to worry about the strategies that the other players are using). The last person faces a purely optimization problem. Given the highest existing score and the number of rolls, the last person has to decide which dice to set aside at each roll. I'm not implying this is an easy problem but we can solve for the strategy of the last person.
  3. The last-but-one person must use the same strategy as of the last person until the point where she attains the highest score. After that, if she attains the highest score before the max number of rolls then she faces an optimal stopping problem. She has to compute the probability that the last player using the optimal strategy will beat the (possibly higher) score she might get with additional rolls and weight it against the probability the last player will beat her current score using her current number of rolls.
  4. After solving for the optimal strategies of the last two people playing we keep moving "backwards" and solve for the optimal strategies of the others.
  5. It is a cute game. My suggestion is that perhaps we could gain some insights by looking at a smaller/simplified version of the game with only two players, two dices (instead of 5), and each dice with only three outcomes (say 1, 2, and 3) instead of the usual six.
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