[Math] Open subsets of the space of linear operators


If we have a Banach space $X$ and we consider the space $L(X,X)$ of linear operators. Now we have the operator norm here and this induces a metric, which in turn induces the topology. Since this is a metric space, we have the notion of open sets. So how would one show that a certain subspace is open? I'm having difficulty seeing what the open balls look like.

So the question from Folland says that: if $T$ is invertible, and $||S-T||\leq||T^{-1}||^{-1}$, then S is invertible. He then concludes that the set of Invertible Operators is open. I dont see how this follows, could someone explain please?

Best Answer

Writing $S = T + W = T (I + T^{-1} W)$. It suffices to show $I + T^{-1} W$ is invertible, where $\|T^{-1} W\| \le \|T^{-1}\| \|W\| < 1$. Write $(I + T^{-1} W)^{-1}$ as a series...