[Math] Open Balls in Metric Space.


I'm working with the metric space $(\mathbb{N}, \rho)$ where $\mathbb{N}$ is the set of natural numbers and $\rho(x,y) = |\frac{1}{x} – \frac{1}{y}|$.

I'm considering the open balls on this metric. Are there any that are finite? Infinite? All of $\mathbb{N}$?

My hunch is that there are open balls that are finite and infinite. For example, the open ball $B(1, \frac{1}{2})$ seems to be just {$1$}.

But if we make the radius larger than $1$ doesn't the open ball becoming infinite?

Am I correct? Are there any open balls that are finite? Infinite? All of $\mathbb{N}$?
Any other general statements we can make about the open balls?

Best Answer

$B(a,r)$ is just the solution of $\left|\dfrac1a -\dfrac1x\right|<r$, which is easily solved:

$ x>\dfrac{a}{1+a r} \qquad \qquad \qquad\text{if } r\ge\dfrac1a $

$ \dfrac{a}{1+a r}<x<\dfrac{a}{1-a r} \qquad \text{if } r<\dfrac1a $

In the first case, the ball is infinite. In the second case, the ball is finite.

In particular, the ball is infinite if $r\ge1$ and the ball centered at $1$ is all of $\mathbb N$ if $r=1$.

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