Online Resources – Tools for Symbolic Mathematics

online-resourcessymbolic computation

This question is similar to this one, but specifically relates to resources available strictly as on-line web apps. Examples include:

Some basic needs:

  • Ability to do symbolic manipulation on par with what you'd use Mathematica for
  • Should be possible to do more than 'one-liners' (unlike Wolfram Alpha)

Best Answer

Added: I found the Wikipedia article Comparison of Computer Algebra Systems from a link on Sage's site. Various systems are listed in tables, each identifying cost, features, etc. for each of the programs. That may help you ultimately determine what works best for YOU!
End "Added"

I can't speak for hicalc (I've not heard of it!) but IMO, a good choice would be Sage Notebook: it integrates a whole bunch programs: GAP, R (statistics), Pari, etc. (see more programs listed below), and you can program, as well (Python?). I'm not sure about its graphing capabilities; though it does seem to come equipped with some graphing functionality. You can create your own account if you scroll down to the bottom of the webpage linked immediately above. (You can also peruse sample "Worksheets" from "notebooks").

Another "plus" about Sage Notebook is that you can create folders, save your work, etc, on-line, and can then thus access it (when on-line again) and pick up where you left off at another time.

Mathematics packages contained in Sage

Algebra: GAP, Maxima, Singular
Algebraic Geometry: Singular
Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic: MPIR, MPFR, MPFI, NTL, mpmath
Arithmetic Geometry: PARI/GP, NTL, mwrank, ecm
Calculus: Maxima, SymPy, GiNaC
Combinatorics: Symmetrica, Sage-Combinat
Linear Algebra: ATLAS, BLAS, LAPACK, NumPy, LinBox, IML, GSL
Graph Theory: NetworkX
Group Theory: GAP
Numerical computation: GSL, SciPy, NumPy, ATLAS
Number Theory: PARI/GP, FLINT, NTL

Other packages contained in Sage

Command line: IPython
Database: ZODB, Python Pickles, SQLite
Graphical Interface: Sage Notebook, jsmath
Graphics: Matplotlib, Tachyon3d, GD, Jmol
Interactive programming language: Python
Networking: Twisted

More details available here Wikipedia on Sage.

See also Sage Documentation, where you can find tutorials, manuals, references, etc. available on-line and as downloads (e.g. pdf)...I've personally found the "help" mechanism in Sage quite valuable.

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